Image for Options to Consider When Applying for Student Loans
Options to Consider When Applying for Student Loans
Options to Consider When Applying for Student Loans You’ve been accepted to college. Congratulations! This is an accomplishment to be proud of, and we’re sure you’ll make the most of the opportunity. Now that you’re in, you have another hurdle to get over: how to pay for it. Unless you received a...
Image for Beware These Financial Aid Myths
Beware These Financial Aid Myths
Beware These Financial Aid Myths Admittedly, not all financial aid websites are easy to navigate, and with ever-changing rules and legislation regarding financial aid it’s easy for misinformation to spread. This, in turn, can keep qualified students and families from applying for financial aid that...
Image for To Physically Attend or Virtually Attend? That Is the Question
To Physically Attend or Virtually Attend? That Is the Question
To Physically Attend or Virtually Attend? That Is the Question Up until a few years ago, taking classes online was thought to be a poor substitute for physically attending a college or university. Today, this is no longer the case, as even Ivy League institutions like Harvard and Cornell are...
Image for The Facts About Online Colleges and Financial Aid
The Facts About Online Colleges and Financial Aid
The Facts About Online Colleges and Financial Aid In 2018, the average cost of attending a private four-year college or university was around $35,000 a year. While an education is a wise investment, this is still a hefty sum of money, leading many students to look for ways to offset these costs....
Image for Considering a Master’s Degree? These Are a Few of the Most Popular Options
Considering a Master’s Degree? These Are a Few of the Most Popular Options
Considering a Master’s Degree? These Are a Few of the Most Popular Options If you’re looking to specialize in your career, a master’s degree might be just the thing. Here are a few of the most popular (and lucrative) master’s degree choices: MBA: The Master’s of Business Administration, or MBA,...
Image for Online Education and Military Service Are a Great Combination
Online Education and Military Service Are a Great Combination
Online Education and Military Service Are a Great Combination Being a soldier is both an honor and a privilege for many proud young Americans, and their service is appreciated. As the saying goes, “It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love.” However, it’s often not the last job that a person will ever...